Tuesday, July 23, 2013

SDCC Friday

And it just keeps getting better!

Friday was the most laid back day of the convention for us. We didn't have anything that we HAD to do that day and took our time getting up. I wanted to try and snag an opportunity to go to the Game of Thrones autograph session because I had to work during the panel, but they were all gone before I even woke up. In hindsight, I'm glad I got to sleep past 6 am at least one day during this week!

We spent the morning checking out the exhibit hall and collecting more swag. We still didn't get to see everything that there was to see, but we sure tried. Man we ended up with SO MUCH stuff by the end of the day, it was hard to carry! 
All the swag that we collected!

We went out side the convention center for lunch and the streets were so jam packed it took FOREVER to get around. 
 This is just a picture of the crowded sidewalk, but you get the idea.

We headed back after a short rest and hit the exhibit hall again. I managed to get to the WB booth during the time that the Game of Thrones was doing the autograph session. The crowd was intense and it was really hard to snag a picture of any of the stars, but I did manage to sneak a few...
John Bradley who plays Sam and Michelle Fairley who plays Catelyn Stark ( maybe she's wearing that collar to hide her freshly slit throat) 

Rose Leslie who plays Ygritte and if I was a little taller and more limber I could have gotten Richard Madden ( Rob Stark) who was sitting next to her

I actually love this picture because I got it through a sea of people and here is Kit Harrington ( John Snow) smack in the middle.

I mean really look at all the people fighting to get a picture. Security was going to have a stroke over it.

And of course Peter Dinkladge, but this is actually a picture of the screen above him -couldn't get him any other way.
So that sort of made my day, but also made me a little sad I missed the panel and the chance for the signing. That seems to be the nature of Comic Con though, there is always something awesome going on and you can't be there for all of it. You must choose wisely. 

The rest of the evening was spent working at Artists Alley, then we had tickets for THE WALKING DEAD ESCAPE! Oh man I was on pins and needles about that. Just looking at the website gave me anxiety!  Here is a video someone took with their GoPro during a different time:

 Keep in mind that we went through this when it was twilight dark out side so it was even creepier. We were registered for the 9:00 wave, but we got there a little early and were able to go with the 8:40 wave. My stomach was full of butterflies while we waited at the gate for it to start. We were right up front and I was so nervous to be one of the first people to go through.   They let us into the arena and I purposefully let a few people in front of me because, you know, I didn't want to get attacked by zombies fresh out of the gate. Then when the whole thing started, they pulled a fast one on us and we all had to turn around and run the opposite direction. Talk about adrenaline rush! We ran up flights of stairs being chased by zombies, over huge obstacles, over and under road blocks fences and other stuff. I even barrel rolled over a car to escape one. It was an intense work out. I was seriously in no shape for that crap, yet I still kept going. *disclaimer* My brother may have had to save me a few times by distracting a zombie or two and helping me down in a few places. Thank God he didn't leave me to the zombies. I'm proud to say, I MADE IT OUT ALIVE. 

One of the obstacles We had to go over with zombies waiting for us
The last stop was quarantine where they would scan you with a black light to see if you had been "infected" by a zombie or not. Andrew and I were both clear and free to go. Afterwards we had some pictures taken and tried to stop sweating. ( Oh man I was literally dripping with sweat by the end of it)

They did take pictures during the event, but I guess we don't get to see them till next week. 

So that was my Friday. By the end of the day I was EXHAUSTED but full of adrenaline. Not a good combo, considering I was planning on getting up at 4:30 am the next day! 

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