Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weeee here we go again!

Guess whose going to San Diego Comic Con again???

So I had hoped that I would be one of those Bloggers that had great weekly/biweekly posts with all sorts of stuff to share with the world...and I WAS going to be, but then I realized that I actually work full time ( and sort of have to feed my child occasionally too). 

Here I am now though, ready to babble on about my Comic Con fun for this year. I tried and tried and TRIED to get a badge this year and instead got to spend the morning glued to the computer slowly watching my chances slip away. I had really hoped to grab at least one day so that I would qualify for the pre-sale next year. 

I logged on to the computer sat and waited, got into the "waiting room", watched the blue circle spin and read the pithy updates all morning long. I was logged into Twitter, Facebook, and the live streaming G+ hangout covering the event. I was so totally up to the minute, and it didn't matter a bit. I sat and watched each day sell out and kept thinking " It's OK, I only need ONE day" and then it just didn't happen. 

Have no fear faithful reader, I have a BACKUP plan!  I will be working in Artists' Alley again this year! I know how extremely lucky I am to have the chance to work at the Con and still be able to enjoy every aspect of it ( and even more by being in Artists' Alley).  I really feel like I have won the lottery by being able to help out there. Then add the fact that my bother lives in San Diego and I don't have to stress about hotels ~ I feel like a Hobbit riding and Eagle high in the sky.  ( I always wanted to be an Elf, but let's face it I'm a Hobbit - I've already got the feet to prove it. )
But I will obviously ride a Bald Eagle because Merica

Now all the prepping and planning can begin! I can't wait to see what's in store for me this year. I have learned from last year and others who are far more experienced than myself. Off to make my first of many game plans! 

Are you headed to SDCC this year?