Friday, June 6, 2014

Looking Back to Make it Better

So here I am trying to come up with a game plan for SDCC

I love to have a plan, and we all know that you will need a plan - and a back up plan -and then yet another plan, when everything goes out the window the first day. There is so much to do and see during Comic Con that there is just no way to get to do everything you want. That means I better have my MUST HAVE list up and ready to go.

But first I need to consider what I wish I had done differently last year. As a first timer, I think I did a good job of seeing and doing a large part of what the con has to offer. However, there is always room to improve and I think I definitely learned somethings from my first visit.

1. Only wait in a line that means something to you. 

No I'm not talking about the bathroom or even the Starbucks lines ( those are just a must have sort of thing); I'm talking about waiting in a line for over an hour to get a button for a movie that I will not even want to see. I'm talking about waiting in a line at 5 in the morning to see a panel that is going on at 4 in the afternoon. I really feel like I wasted my entire day away just holding a spot to see a panel that I sort of liked.
So close, yet so far away from Orphan Black cast

Now don't get me wrong, there are things at Comic Con that are WORTH the wait. I don't regret waiting in line to meet the cast of Orphan Black, even though they had to leave before I got to meet them. I met some great people waiting in that line and I managed to get a small look at the cast while I waited. It was a gamble that I would be able to get in and the fact I got so close was pretty cool. *lesson learned to line up well before the hour before the scheduled time.
Believe it or not, I also really enjoyed the overnight wait to get into Hall H on Sunday. It was an experience that I think is a big part of Comic Con. It was so neat to be in the trenches with thousands of other fanatics and there was nothing cooler than talking Doctor Who to other people that loved it as much as I do.

2. Get your shirts as soon as possible.

We thought we could just swing by and pick up the shirts whenever during the Con. The first day we went to go pick them up and were scared off by the long line. We kept checking back to see when the line would be a little less intimidating and didn't end up getting them until Friday. By the time we got there they had sold out of my size in my shirt of choice. I am glad we pre-ordered a few shirts that they had saved for us, but I foolishly thought I'd be able to pick up more when we got there. So I am going to either pre-order all the shirts or make sure I get there early enough to get them while they are still in stock.

3. Experience more outside of the Convention.

You and I have a date this year Gas Lamp District

I loved being a part of the convention and the exhibit hall alone has enough to keep me entertained for days, but I don't feel like I got to experience much outside of that bubble. I never went to any of the parties ( just too tired!) I never went to see Nerd HQ, I wish I would have been able to participate in some of the fan events as well. It's so hard to juggle everything, but I would like to free up more of my time to actually participate in events, rather than waiting around all day for one thing.

4. Bring more money

Or maybe I should say, spend my money wiser. I wasted SO MUCH money on random crap that I no longer need or use. I mean I really didn't NEED to buy the Comic Con exclusive Transformer toy for my son - who uses them as bath toys now- He can't appreciate the exclusivity or the time invested in picking them up for him. I could have saved the money and purchased something for him at Toys R Us and he would have been just as happy. I think I will be investing more in buying tickets to events during my stay this year. This will no doubt cost more, but I think it will be totally worth every penny spent.  so basically less STUFF and more EXPERIENCE. ~please remind me of this when I'm standing in line to buy that Jedi bathrobe and matching Wookie slippers for well over $100~
Although, let face it, this robe would be pretty awesome to own.