Friday, June 21, 2013

The countdown to SDCC is on!

And the stressing out starts as well

I went on a little trip to the lake last week and had little internet connection. As soon as that magical little wi-fi symbol popped up on my phone, I tapped right into the mighty internet. I wish I would have had a warning that the world was moving so fast while I was out soaking up the sun. 

First thing I checked was my email...and what do I see, but the fact that the re-sale for the badges was going on! Act quickly, send in your info and you MIGHT get to go! That whole event was over and done long before I read the email. It's alright because I have a volunteer spot just waiting for me, right? right? In box, please show me ANY kind of email that gives me some info about volunteering -no- well then, that sucks. I've been TOLD more than once that there is a spot for me and to expect some email with info this month. However, I'm starting to get real nervous that I might not get to go. I CAN'T STAND being in the dark and waiting. - I am NOT Batman. 

Then I check out twitter...BIG MISTAKE... talk about overwhelming amounts of info. I see so many updates, tips, exclusives  how to get into this party or that event, that my eyes are starting to cross. As a first timer, how am I supposed to know which event is worth leaving the Con for? I've discovered that SDCC will not post an event schedule until about 2 weeks before. I am sooooo worried that if I get ticket to something that my favorite show will be scheduled for a panel at the same time. If I wait until the schedule comes out, I might not be able to get tickets anymore! The planner in me is ready to jump off a bridge! 

Have no fear, Twitter will help me out ( and tumbler too). Thank the sky above that there are so many people willing to share all the info about SDCC ( even if it overwhelms me)! I feel like I should be tapped into twitter 24/7 because the info regarding Comic Con is coming so hard and fast, I might just miss something important. I really hope to meet up with a few of the most helpful nerds on twitter like: the nerdy girlie and Crazy 4 Comic Con. These two have been so nice and supportive of any question or comment I have. THANKS!

So now I'm slowly starting plan A for the Con. I will have a plan B, C and probably D if I need too, but first things first.
Things I REALLY WANT to be a part of:

Doctor Who  

(I've been nerding out over this show for years and SO EXCITED to finally be around others who love it as much as me)


( Sam and Dean...need I say more) 

How I Met Your Mother 

( I just learned that they will be there and I CANNOT miss a chance to be in the same room as NPH) 

Hunger Games and the Hobbit 
If I get to meet Orlando Bloom, I might pee myself

( Big fan of both these movies)


( I just started watching this series and I'm hooked. It's a Canadian show and I'm not sure if it will be at the Con, but I really hope it is) 


I know this is probably not going to be there, but a girl can dream! 

What am I missing? 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Looking good for SDCC

So many outfits, so little time!

Now that I'm OFFICIALLY GOING TO COMIC CON, I'm going to need something to wear. The first thing people have asked me when I tell them that I'm going is "Are you going to dress up?" While it WOULD be fun to dress up, I don't think I could handle staying in costume all day. So no, I'm not. But that doesn't mean I can"t wear some fun clothes inspired by my favorite shows!
I have been building my collection of nerdy tees, but I want something more for the Con. I  started my search on ESTY and holy cow talk about options! I cannot even handle how many awesome things that are out there. I've found everything from an adorable Doctor Who Skirt to some scary Star Trek Pasties ( which I will not be wearing). 

With ESTY as my inspiration, I've decided to go home made! Well, I'm going to have a friend make them in HER home. I think I'd like to make up a few skirts and add some appliques to a shirt/tank top to match. 

Next step was to go search out my fabric. I went to several places to try and find that perfect print and stumbled onto Spoonflower. I found so many awesome fabric choices that I really had to restrain myself when placing my order.

I love the flower! 
Little Darth Vader polka dots! 
Tardis Print!

I settled on a Tardis print, a Darth Vader print and a Storm Trooper print. I CAN'T WAIT to see these all made up! 

I might just order some custom painted shoes to match each dress, or maybe I will get crafty and DIY them. 

I am wondering if I should order some accessories online or if I will see lots of cute things at SDCC? Maybe I will get a few hair bows and maybe a bracelet first, then see what I can snag when I get there.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

My Journey to SDCC

Guess what I'll be doing on July 17th?

Going to the San Diego Comic Con THAT's WHAT!

After deciding to go to the convention this year, I found out how hard it is to actually get a ticket ( badge). They sold out way before I could even get online to register. 
I was planning on going to the convention even if I couldn't get a badge and just enjoy the off site events. All hope wasn't lost because they do open up a limited number of returned  badges to sell. 

BUT then....I get a call from my Aunt. She asked if I was still planning on going and if I had tickets. I told her about my plan to go no matter what. She tells me that she has a friend who has a booth and she would give us a few volunteer spots if we wanted them. HECK YES I WANT THEM! I had to fill out an application by a certain date and that was that. I've been told that I am in and set. I guess I will be getting more details next week. I am so excited I could pee!

Now the real fun begins. I have never been to a Comic Con before, let alone one this big. My head is swimming with all the things I will get to do and see. Naturally I go to twitter and start reading blogs on how to survive Comic Con. It seems that I need food and a good back pack. It also sounds like I will be in lines for days. Other than that I am really clueless.

Questions I have so far: 
Do they show full movies there? I keep hearing about this hot movie or another that will be at the Con. I'm not sure if it's just trailers to watch or if they pre-view the whole movie. 
I'm wondering about the panels. Some of those rooms look like they can hold thousands of people. If you got to see a panel and there are thousands of people there, how do you even know what's going on. I mean, is it worth it to wait and sit forever just to be in the same room as some of those celebrities? hmmmm depends on the celebrity I think.

Speaking of famous people. I wonder how easy it will be to get a picture with someone from my favorite  Sci-Fi show?  I would probably crap my pants if I got to meet a few special people. Probably not the best first impression, but I bet it would be memorable.

Now I'm off to figure out my wardrobe...